baseball information


We currently play under SSBL & S.T.A.L.


Baseball Rules

Ages 7 and UP


I.        Field Dimensions – Refer to the Affiliated league that Ellet Baseball and Softball Association is currently playing for.


II.        Special League Rules

  1. Free Agents

i.    A manager in Boys Leagues ages 7 and up may sign six free agents on a form provided by the Association on or after the first day of registration and prior to the first day of evaluations

ii.    The completed free agent forms will be turned into the Secretary on a date specified each year to the managers.  Usually the 1st day of registration with a late fee associated with it.

iii.    Teams electing to sign free agents shall lose one draft selection for each free agent signed.

iv.    Free agent slips will be used beginning in the first round of the draft and continuously until all are used as draft picks.

v.    Free agents shall fulfill all eligibility requirements, and may include only:

1. New Players to the league

2. Returning players to a league shall not be eligible to be signed as a free agent with another team.

3. If a team is disbanded the returning players will go into the draft and will not be eligible to be signed as free agents.

vi.    Any abuse of the free agent rule as determined by the Executive Board will result in suspension of the guilty party.

vii.    Any Team short of players after the final roster is complete can use a player from a younger roster of the same organization.  If there is no younger age roster team, teams may pick up a younger player or one of the same age not in the organization with the approval of the Ellet Baseball and Softball Association.

B.  High School Aged Players

i.   If a player is on a High School Baseball team , After they are released from the High School coach they can if eligible by age play summer baseball.

C.  Wanting off a Team

i.    Any Player wanting off a team Must write a letter to the board detailing why.  If approved by the board the player will be put back into the draft and will not be eligible to be a free agent.


III.        Game Rules

  1. No Smoking withing 30 yards of the entire field for all Managers, Coaches, Spectators and Umpires.
  2. Any rules not covered by the associations rules and regulations shall revert to the League affiliated by Ellet Baseball and Softball Association.
  3. All Managers, Coaches and players should conduct themselves in a sportsmanship like manner.
  4. For Liability reasons, there is to be no food including seeds or gum on the bench or dugout.


IV.        Ellet Boys League Tournaments

  1. At the end of regular season play, all teams with players aged between 7 and 14 will play in a tournament with the format determined by their league commissioner and approved by the Board.  The Winner and Runner up teams will receive a trophy or medallions.  All Teams with players aged 5-8 not making it to the tournament will receive a participation trophy or medallion.


V.        Boys Coach Pitch Rules ( Ages 7-8)

  1. Little League Rules apply except where notes differently below.
  2. Infield dead ball rule in effect.  “Infielder” must raise ball overhead, in fair territory, for play to be considered dead.  Runners at that point past the hash mark will advance to next base.  Runners behind the hash mark will return to the previous base.  Play is not dead until the infielder raises the ball over his head in the field of play.  Play may be made on runners any time unless the ball is raised overhead by an infielder in fair territory.
  3. Overthrow rule:  On a ball hit to the infield, the batter/runner shall only be entitled to attempt to advance to first base.  No additional advancement is permitted, even on an overthrow.  All other base runners may advance no more than one base from the time of the pitch with liability of being put out.  In the context of this rule, the “infield” is defined as the area between home plate and first, second and third base.  On a ball hit beyond the baselines, runners shall be entitles to attempt to advance to any base with liability of being put out, until the ball is declared dead.  A ball can be hit in the air, or roll through the baselines.  If the ball goes out of play, the play will be ruled dead.  The batter/runners will be awarded bases based on their position related to the halfway marks.
  4. Field Set up: 10’ circle centered from 46’ from home plate.  Hash marks half way between bases (30’).  Coach pitcher must have one foot inside the circle at the time of the pitch.
  5. Ball is dead if coach pitcher is unintentionally hit by a ball.  Batter must hit again.  If coach pitcher intentionally comes into contact with the ball, the batter is out and the runners return to the previous base.
  6. Continuous batting order is mandatory with free player substitution, but the batting order must remain the same.
  7. A game consists of 6 innings.  All players must play at least 3 defensive innings, unless the game ends in a half inning.  4 ½ innings will be considered a complete game if cancelled due to weather or darkness etc.
  8. Run limit is 5 runs per inning, except last inning is unlimited.
  9. Batter will receive up to 7 pitches.  3 strikes will be considered an out.  No walks.  Batter is out if the batter does not swing or swings and missed on the 7 pitch.  If a batter fouls off the 7th pitch, the at bat is alive until the batter does not swing, or swings and misses.
  10. Defensive player designated as pitcher is not permitted to leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit and must be parallel with the pitching rubber ( never in front).
  11. No bunts.  Umpire will call batter out if bunted call.
  12. Defense will consist of 10 players, 4 of which must be in the outfield if playing with 10 players.
  13. Regular season standings, wins, and losses, will be kept.  Teams will be seeded in the tournament based on win/loss records at the end of the season.


 VI.        T-Ball Rules (Co-Ed Ages 5-6 years old)- Instructional

I. Scheduling

A. League play shall be scheduled by the Senior Commissioner or T-Ball Commissioner.

B. Scheduled practices shall begin no earlier than May 1 and end the third week of May.

C. Scheduled practices shall be limited to twice per week at one hour per practice.

D. The regular season begins tentatively the fourth week of May and ends tentatively the last week of June.

E. Games will be played at 6:00 p.m.

F. Cancelled or suspended games will be rescheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Saturday if possible, by the Senior Commissioner.

G. The T-Ball Commissioner may cancel games due to field or weather conditions before 5:00 p.m.  After 5:00 p.m., the managers shall decide if the game should be canceled due to field or weather conditions.


II. Field Dimensions

A. The distance between bases shall be fifty feet.

B. Bases shall not be anchored.

C. The pitching distance shall be 35 feet from the back of home plate to the front of the pitching rubber.

D. The dead zone shall be a twelve-foot diameter circle measured from the center of the pitching rubber.

E. A foul ball area shall be a fifteen-foot arc from the back of home plate to both foul lines.


III. Coaches

A. Offensive coaches shall be positioned at first and third base.

B. Two defensive coaches may be used in the field behind the outfielders to instruct players.

C. If a live ball is touched by a defensive coach, all base runners will advance one extra base.


IV. Umpire

A. The defensive manager or acting manager shall be the umpire at the plate.

B. The umpire is not permitted to instruct or advise defensive players.

V. Scoring of Games

A. There shall be no league standings as this is an instructional league.

B. There shall be no league tournament.

C. Batting lineup sheets will be provided by the Association.


VI. Game Rules

A. Official baseball rules shall apply with the exception of the following rules:

1. Games shall consist of three innings.  Games will end when a complete inning has been played.

2. If a batter swings and hits the ball within the fifteen-foot arc at home plate, the ball will be dead and a strike called on the batter.

3. On the 5th swing, if a ball is hit foul, the batter shall not be declared out and shall receive another attempt to hit the ball fair.

4. Base runners shall not leave their base until the ball moves off the tee.

5. Each player available for a game must play the field.

6. Each player available for a game will be inserted into the batting order and will bat.

7. An inning shall consist of one at bat for each player in the batting order.  After all players have batted, the inning is retired.

8. The batter may not swing at the ball until the coach has called “play.”

9. Lines are in fair territory.

10. There shall be no infield fly rule.

11. On an overthrow out of play, the ball becomes dead and no extra bases are awarded to runners.

12. Time will be called by the coach when the progress of the lead runner has been stopped due to an infielder having control of the ball in the infield or after a play.

13. The tee height will be set at 26″ and remain at this height for the full game.  The tee will be placed ten inches directly behind home plate.  The tee and home plate shall be point to point.

14. Throwing a bat is prohibited.

      1. a. First offense: the coach will issue a warning to the batter’s team.
      2. b. All subsequent offenses by the batter will result in calling the batter out and returning to the bench.

15. A base runner losing his/her batting helmet between bases will advance to the next base only, provided he or she reaches that base safely.

16. The defensive team shall consist of a normal infield plus an additional fielder between first and second base.  The balance of the defensive team shall be placed in the outfield equally spaced and at least ten feet behind the base line.

17. The game may start provided both teams can field at least eight or more players.  If one team does not have eight players, the total number of players shall be divided into two teamsso the game can be played.

18. The catcher must wear full protective gear during practices and games.

19. During the game a catcher will be placed four feet behind the batter by the coach.  The catcher shall not move until the ball is hit from the tee.

20. The pitcher shall remain on the pitching rubber or directly behind the rubber, but within the twelve-foot circle.  They will also be required to wear a face mask for safety.

21. Bats are to be limited to a maximum of twenty-eight inches in length and be an official sfotball or baseball bat.  No Composite Bats.

22. A nine inch-rubberized ball shall be used for practice and games.

23. Uniforms shall consist of team color T-shirts and hats.

Ellet Baseball






We currently play under SSBL & S.T.A.L.